Official Language Quiz – 02 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको ऑफिशियल लैंग्वेज से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेंगे।
Never mind you can try another time.
#1. From when did Sec.3(3) of the Official Languages Act, take effect ?
#2. With what is section IV of the Official Languages Act 1963 concerned ?
#3. In which part of the Constitution are the Articles 343-351 which give information about Official Language available ?
#4. With what is Section 7 of The Official Languages Act, 1963 connected ?
#5. Sections 6 & 7 of The Official Languages Act, 1963 do not apply in which State ?
#6. Communication between One Ministry or Department of the Central Government and another may be in which language as per section 4 (a) of The Official Languages Rule,1976 ?
#7. Where does provision exist for notifying an Office ?
#8. In which article is the provision regarding OL policy available in Part V of the constitution ?
#9. Name the article in which the provisions regarding Eighth schedule of the Constitution is available?
#10. Why was the OL Act 1963 passed?
#11. When was the Official Languages rules passed?
#12. How many articles are there in Part XVII of the Constitution ?
#13. In Compliance of Article 344 when was the Official Language commission formed ?
#14. Who was the First Chairman of Official Language Commission ?
#15. Who was the First Chairman of the Committee which was formed on the recommendation of the Official Language Commission ?
#16. As per the Constitution, who is translating the statutory rules, regulations and orders ?
#17. Which were the main language & co-official language used for the Official purposes of the Union of India till 1965?
#18. Which article comes under Part VI?
#19. Who chaired the first Railway Hindi Salahkar Committee constituted in 1973 ?
#20. Who was the Chairman of the Committee of Parliament on Official Language constituted in the year 1976 ?
#21. Which Committee of the Committee of Parliament on Official Language prepares the draft ?
#22. In which year the post of Hindi Asst. was created in Railway Board in compliance of President’s order?
#23. In which year Hindi(Parliament) section was established in Railway Board ?
#24. What are all the States that come under Region“A” ?
#25. What are the States that come under Region “C” ?
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