General Knowledge LDCE & Dept. Exam इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको General Knowledge LDCE & Dept. Exam से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।
General Knowledge LDCE & Dept. Exam
#1. Under HOER waiting room bearer is categorized as —
#2. PAC stands for ——–
#3. Which of the following employee does Special Casual leave is admissible under family welfare scheme?
#4. What is the maximum period of leave on Average pay at a time that a Railway servant may be granted?
#5. Reduction to a lower stage in a time scale of pay for a period not exceeding 3 years without cumulative effect and not adversely affecting his pension is
#6. How many types of standard forms that are used while initiating action against any Railway employee under D&A Rules, 1968.
#7. Which No. of standard form is used for issuance of Major penalty charge sheet on disciplinary proceedings?
#8. Attendants of Pass Holder is:-
#9. Voluntary retirement can be accepted by the authority not below —–
#10. Whether ad-hoc promote officers are competent to initiate disciplinary proceedings?
#11. Penalty of compulsory retirement, removal or dismissed from service should be imposed only by
#12. When inquiry is not necessary?
#13. Within which period, Paternity Leave can be granted?
#14. LAP shall be credited to a Railway servant at the rate of
#15. What is the maximum limit of Leave not due that may be granted to a permanent Rly. Servant during his entire service period?
#16. Under which circumstances ‘ex-parte’ inquiry can be held?
#17. Every Railway servant shall retire from service.
#18. Exparte inquiry may be held when
#19. Which of the following statement do bear the title of Discipline and Appeals Rule in Railways?
#20. A male railway servant may be granted Paternity leave having surviving children
#21. How many days of LHAP can be accumulated to an employee in his service life?
#22. The following are not in penalty under D&A Rules?
#23. The notice of final penalty should be signed by
#24. After retirement a charge sheet can be issued only by the
#25. Reappointment of Railway employee in cases of removal from service by revising authority may be considered by the
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