Operating Live Quiz – 01
Never mind you can try another time.
#1. Semaphore arm type, disc type, position light type; these are forms of
#2. Shunting signal is of ________ types
#3. When it is necessary to receive a train on a non-signalled line, form no. _______ is issued,
#4. Train working between stations shall not be worked on which of the following,
#5. The Adequate Distance in case of two-aspect colour light signalling system is,
#6. The Adequate Distance in case of multi-aspect colour light signalling system is,
#7. ___________means an arrangement of vehicles in proper sequence to ensure safety, operationally convenience, to meet traffic requirements and shall give good appearance.
#8. Which of the following is not a symptom of Hot Axle,
#9. Which of the following is a symptom of seizure of roller bearings.
#10. Hot axle train is to be admitted on ________ line only.
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