Operating Live Quiz – 09

Operating Live Quiz – 09  इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको रेलवे के ऑपरेटिंग डिपार्टमेंट से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।

Operating Live Quiz – 09




Operating Live Quiz - 09

Never mind you can try another time.

#1. During major work ……….. will be the overall in-charge of NI working for both Safety and Operation.

#2. During NI working the instructions in SWR will be replaced with …………

#3. The minimum BP % of Premium Air Brake rake.

#4. Permissible flat on wheel of goods stock is up to ………mm.

#5. Permissible flat on wheel of coaching stock is up to ………mm.

#6. Permissible flat on wheel of locomotive of goods stock is up to ………mm.

#7. Permissible flat on wheel of locomotive of coaching stock is up to ………mm

#8. A locomotive with flat tyre to be moved to loco shed at a speed not exceeding ……..KMPH.

#9. During derailments the gauge of the track to be checked under the load and for a distance of ……..meters on either side of POM, if the cause is indisputably known.

#10. During derailments the gauge of the track to be checked under the load and for a distance of ………. meters if the cause is in dispute / not known.

#11. The distance between two running rails is known as track…………

#12. Standard Gauge is ……mm.

#13. The variation in top level of the both rails on same point is known as ………..

#14. The perpendicular distance joining the centre of chord to the midpoint of arc is known as.

#15. ………..and super elevations are measured for checking the correctness of a curve.

#16. During derailments the first wheel flange climb marks found on the rail table is known as……..

#17. During derailments the wheel flange drop marks found on the rail table is known as…….

#18. The algebraic variation in two continuous cross level is known as…….

#19. Shifting of rail in longitudinal direction due to poor fastening or due to emergency braking or due to skidding of engine wheels is called……….

#20. In a point there are two tongue rails connected together by stretcher bars and this assembly is called………..

#21. A short section of insulated and dead overhead equipment which separates the area fed by adjacent substation or feeding post is known as……….

#22. For collecting power from 25 KV AC contact wire …….are mounted on the roof of the traction vehicle.

#23. Two types of block required for maintenance of work of an electric traction installation.

#24. Power requirement plan will be prepared ………. In a year.

#25. If a Patrolman on arrival at the other end of his beat does not find the next Patrolman to take over the book , he should……..

#26. Who will prepare Patrol chart.

#27. If the Patrolman not turned up within…….. minutes of his scheduled arrival, SM should start issuing Caution Order.

#28. SM should stop all trains and issue a Caution Order with speed restriction of …..KMPH during day and ……. KMPH during night if the Patrolman not turned up 15 minutes of his scheduled arrival.

#29. Special Class gates are those LC gates where TVUs are more than……

#30. A Class gates are those LC gates where TVUs are between……..

#31. B Class gates are those LC gates where TVUs are Between……..

#32. Periodic Census of traffic at all LC Gates shall be taken once in ……….years.

#33. The period of Census in the LC gates will be for ………..days.

#34. During night while passing the train, Gateman should stand attentively with white light pointing towards………..

#35. If the gateman notices that a train has parted he should wave UP &DN……….during day …….during night to attract the attention of GDR.

#36. Gate man should report any unusual / failures /public complaints etc to …………. .

#37. In Safety Categorization for ‘A’ category one should secure ………marks.

#38. A railway employee should undergo PME once in ……years till he attains 45 years of age.

#39. A railway employee of age group between 45-55 should undergo PME once in ……..years.

#40. Accident drills should be conducted once in every –

#41. Accident drills should be ordered by

#42. Accident drills conducted under the supervision of

#43. The duration of alarm siren / hooter should be sounded at the of accident

#44. The interval between two hooter is

#45. For cancellation of Medical Van & break down train/Road Mobile ART one long hooter blasts of duration –

#46. The incharge of the control office at the time of accident is

#47. The meaning of Two long blasts each of 45 Seconds duration with 05 Seconds break in between

#48. The meaning of Three long blasts each of 45 Seconds duration with 05 Seconds break in between

#49. The meaning of Four long blasts each of 45 Seconds duration with 05 Seconds break in between

#50. The meaning of Five long blasts each of 45 Seconds duration with 05 Seconds break in between


Note :- Quiz passing marks 70% = Excellent.

Below 70% = Never mind you can try another time.

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अन्य क्विज –

Operating Live Quiz

Operating Live Quiz – 01

Operating Live Quiz – 02

Operating Live Quiz – 03

Operating Live Quiz – 04

Operating Live Quiz – 05

Operating Live Quiz – 06

Operating Live Quiz – 07

Operating Live Quiz – 08

Operating Live Quiz – 10

Operating Live Quiz – 11

Operating Live Quiz – 12 

Operating Live Quiz – 13

Operating Live Quiz – 14

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