Track Machine Quiz – 12 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको ट्रैक मशीन से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।
Track Machine Quiz – 12
Never mind you can try another time.
#1. Rail renewal in ATRT is done
#2. Removal of old rail in ATRT
#3. BRH is equipped with…………….coupling
#4. In Rake of ATRT one/two empty BFRs are placed just behind of
#5. Empty BFR are attached in ATRT rake to
#6. Progress of ATRT is………………….
#7. On one BFR of ATRT …….. stack of sleeper are loaded
#8. Gantry Track gauge on ATRT is kept
#9. BFR is equipped with……………….coupling
#10. On One BFR of ATRT……Sleepers are loaded in 4 Tiers.
#11. A.T. Gauge in base Depot of ATRT should be-/
#12. Power car is a ………………..axle vehicle.
#13. Engine provided on power car of ATRT is
#14. Engine provided on gantry of ATRT is
#15. Handling car is a component of
#16. How many old Tie conveyors are fitted on ATRT-?
#17. CTR can be done or not by ATRT
#18. Beam car is a component of machine
#19. In ATRT function of dynamic plough is to
#20. For ATRT working A.T. is required or not
#21. Auxiliary Track (A.T.) gauge of PQRS is
#22. At least……….sidings should be provided with A.T. in a PQRS Base Depot
#23. PQRS portals consists…………side frames
#24. PQRS lays …………
#25. Length of FRM-85 is………………………………
#26. Excavating of shoulder ballast is done by
#27. FRM-80 is provided with……………………….drive.
#28. Brakes on FRM-80 are actuated by………………power.
#29. Progress of FRM-80 is……………per effective Hr.
#30. Self propelled speed of FRM-80 is……………………………
#31. Engine provided on FRM-80 is-.
#32. How many pump-motor combinations are provided on FRM-80-.
#33. How many cutting chain caps are provided in a cutting chain unit-.
#34. What is the sequence of screens on FRM-80 starting from Top.
#35. Total Nos. of Axles in FRM-80 is……………………………
#36. How many cutting chain units are on FRM-80
#37. Each cutting chain of FRM-80 consists of ………………..scraper plates
#38. Total Nos. of conveyor belts on FRM-80 is…………………………
#39. FRM-80 machine length is………..
#40. Complete Machine (RM-80 92U) operation and movement is accomplished by
#41. Schedule-I for BCM is done by
#42. Schedule-I is done for UNO/DUO machine in
#43. How many maintenance schedules are there in Duomatic machine
#44. Amount of gear oil used in main gear box on BCM is
#45. The capacity of Z.F. Gear box is
#46. The lubricant used in axle of BCM is
#47. The engine oil used for lubrication is
#48. The hydraulic oil used in track machine is of viscosity grade……
#49. What is the type of grease used in track machine for lubrication
#50. What is the name of brake fluid used in track machine
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Track Machine Quiz – 16
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