Track Machine Quiz – 01
Never mind you can try another time.
#1. What is the rated RPM and HP of Deutz Engine used in BCM – RM – 80
#2. The SUN engine on PRC, T-28 is made of
#3. The Cummins engine model on work site tamper.
#4. The Hp of the PQRS Diesel Engine.
#5. The diesel engine of the PQRS crane is
#6. Cause for blue smoke emission on a diesel engine indicates.
#7. Cause for black smoke emission on a diesel engine indicates.
#8. Cause for white smoke emission on a diesel engine indicates.
#9. Function of Radiator in diesel engine is for
#10. The SUN diesel engine on PRC T28.
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अन्य क्विज –
Track Machine Quiz – 16
अन्य पढ़ें –
For Aden civil engineering rail way group B exam
Not published
Great sir
Good job sir