Track Machine Quiz – 25 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको ट्रैक मशीन से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।
Track Machine Quiz – 25
#1. On tamping machine only lining and lifting operation is called
#2. In CSM fully automatic mode is operated
#3. Measuring bogies feeler gauge for a tamping machine
#4. The bearing for a corner roller is
#5. What is the schedule for renewal of reconditioned cutter bar.
#6. What is the radial movement of the waste conveyer belt.
#7. What is highest speed of the chain drive (Fourth drive)
#8. What is the Third speed of the chain drive.
#9. What is the second speed of the chain drive.
#10. What is the minimum speed of the chain drive.
#11. Number of screen’s for the screening unit.
#12. Waste conveyor belt width & length (Virating conveyor)
#13. Main conveyor belt width & length.
#14. Distribution conveyor belt width & length
#15. What is the maximum height of the BCM above rail top
#16. The maximum capacity of cutting depth in meters for a BCM
#17. Number of piston rings on a pinion shaft axle assembly of BCM
#18. Lub oil filter element to be replaced on Duitz Engine.
#19. Lub oil to be changed on Duetz Diesel Engine.
#20. The diesel engine of the PQRS crane is
#21. The Hp of the PQRS Diesel Engine
#22. The RPM of vibrating shaft of tamping unit
#23. The maximum width of cutter bar can be extended in BCM RM-80, 92 U.
#24. Capacity of PQRS portal crane which can lift a 13.0 m long pre-assembled panel
#25. The capacity of T-28 crane is
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