Personnel Department Quiz – 02

Personnel Department Quiz – 02 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको रेलवे के पर्सनल डिपार्टमेंट से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेंगे।

Personnel Department Quiz – 02




Personnel Department Quiz - 02


#1. Where is Rail Wheel Plant located?

#2. The period of child adoption leave is for ____ days.


#4. In letter/file numbering No.B/P.34/Misc., letter ‘B’ stands for ____

#5. Which among these is not a special pass.

#6. MOSR

#7. Normally, the study leave shall not exceed.

#8. The Railway servant availing study leave has no option to resign his appointment before expiry of ____ years after the end of study leave.

#9. Which type of leave is granted to Railway servants for attending rallies, sports meets and also for injuries sustained by the staff concerned as a result of participation in sports activites?

#10. Special Casual leave is limited to ____ days in a year.

#11. LHAP

#12. No Railway servant may be granted leave of any kind for a continous period exceeding _____ years

#13. HBA

#14. The leave account of every railway servant shall be credited with leave on average pay of ______ days every calendar year.

#15. In power point the arrangement of elements such as Title and subtitle text, pictures, tables etc. is known as?

#16. What is the probation period for all of Gr ‘C’ and Gr ‘D’ appointments?

#17. The quota of reservation for recruitment of ex-servicemen in Group C is _____.

#18. SC/ST candidates apply for the non-reserved posts, age relaxation is ______

#19. The paternity leave shall be availed of with in ______ months of birth of the child.

#20. Maximum period of Special Disability Leave granted in consequence of any one disability shall be __________ .

#21. What is smallest and largest available font on formatting toolbar ?

#22. CLW

#23. IRCA

#24. In Microsoft Power Point two kind of sound effects files that can be added to the presentation are?

#25. All appointments will be made on probation for ____ years.


Note :- Quiz passing marks 70% = Excellent.

Below 70% = Never mind you can try another time.

दोस्तो उम्मीद है आज आपको ये क्विज अच्छा लगा होगा। अगर आपके अभी भी कोई सवाल इंजीनियरिंग से जुड़े है, तो आप हमे कमेन्ट करके जरूर बताये।

टेक बासुदेव (Tech Basudeo) से जुड़ने के लिए आपका धन्यवाद। 🙂

अगर आप टेक्निकल की वीडियो हिन्दी मे देखना पसन्द करते है, तो आप हमारे YouTube Channel Tech Basudeo को जरूर विजिट करे।

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Personnel Department Quiz

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