Personnel Department Quiz – 03 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको रेलवे के पर्सनल डिपार्टमेंट से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेंगे।
Personnel Department Quiz – 03
#1. What is the full form of RESS?
#2. The maximum amount of study leave admissible to a Railway servant at one time is ______
#3. A new Railway employee who joins service in the middle of the year is entitled to casual leave ________ for that year.
#4. (A) Assessment of vacancies for a suitability test must also include vacancies anticipated during the next 18 months. (B) Besides existing vacancies, selections are also held for anticipated vacancies during the next 24 months.
#5. The family of a Railway servant who dies during service, may be allowed to retain Railway accomodation for ________ months on normal rent.
#6. In a trade test, a failed staff is eligible to reappear in the fresh trade test after _______.
#7. Candidates falling in the category of Persons With Benchmarked Disability (PwBD), are provided reservation of ………… in direct recruitment.
#8. What does PFRDA stand for?
#9. Setting up of statutory staff canteens comes under the provisions of which of the following?
#10. Which of the following factors need not be included while assessing anticipated vacancies in a cadre?
#11. What is the full form of PRAN? How many digits does a PRAN number have?
#12. (A) The number of candidates to be called for a trade test should be equal to the number of vacancies assessed. (B) The number of candidates to be called for a selection should be three times the number of vacancies notified.
#13. (A) The disciplinary authority shall nominate an inquiry officer and issue major penalty chargesheet simultaneously. (B) The disciplinary authority can also act as the inquiry officer.
#14. In the National Pension System, an employee contributes ___________ while the employer contributes ____________ of the monthly salary.
#15. For the calculation of Night Duty Allowance (NDA), duty hours are counted _______.
#16. Normally, a Railway servant on transfer may be allowed to retain Railway accommodation for _____________ on normal rent and next ____________ on double rent on grounds of education or medical treatment.
#17. What is the full form of OIRMS?
#18. (A) Children’s Education Allowance is admissable for a maximum of three children. (B) Reimbursement of Children’s Education Allowance is to be done on completion of the calendar year.
#19. In which of the following cases of penalty will a Railway servant not be called for appearing in a selection/suitability test?
#20. To become eligible for availing nonrefundable partial withdrawal from own contribution, an NPS subscriber must complete at least _________ months.
#21. (A) The suspension of a Railway servant may be reviewed within 90 days from the date of suspension. (B) A suspended Railway servant will continue to be treated under suspension even when he reports sick.
#22. What is the maximum number of school passes admissable for each child of a Railway servant in a year?
#23. (A) In case a staff is overlooked for promotion to a suitablility post due to administrative error, he should be promoted immediately to the extent of his juniors even if he is not qualified. (B) Such staff on promotion have to be given the benefit of stepping up of pay to the extent of the juniors along with arrears.
#24. For making officiating arrangements in other than field units, the minimum duration of a vacancy should be _______ days.
#25. When the period of suspension exceeds ___________, the subsistence allowance to the Railway servant may be _______ if the competent authority finds that the reasons are not directly attributable to the Railway servant.
Note :- Quiz passing marks 70% = Excellent.
Below 70% = Never mind you can try another time.
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अन्य क्विज-
Personnel Department Quiz – 01
Personnel Department Quiz – 02
Personnel Department Quiz – 04
Personnel Department Quiz – 05
Personnel Department Quiz – 06
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