Personnel Department Quiz – 04 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको रेलवे के पर्सनल डिपार्टमेंट से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेंगे
Personnel Department Quiz – 04
#1. Fill in the blanks: “A railway servant whose employment is classified as ‘continuous’ shall not be employed for more than _____ hours a week and shall be granted periodical weekly rest of not less than ____ hours (as per statutory limits).”
#2. Periodical Medical Examination of serving Railway employees who are classified as A1, A2 and A3 should be held _________
#3. According to the Factories Act, 1948 no adult worker shall be allowed to work in a factory for more than __________ per week or ______ per day.
#4. Which of the following is a noninterest bearing advance?
#5. The minimum educational qualification for normal recruitment in PB1 (Rs. 5200 20200) GPRs. 1800 is –
#6. (A) Gratuity and Family Pension fall under pensionary benefits. (B) Provident Fund and encashment of leave salary do not come under pensionary benefits.
#7. A retired Railway servant can act as a defence helper for a maximum of ____________ cases at a time.
#8. (A) The maximum amount of Leave on Average Pay that can be sanctioned to a Group A or B officer for leave outside India is 240 days. (B) A Railway servant is eligible to a maximum of 360 days of leave not due on medical certificate.
#9. When can two consecutive suitability tests for the same post be held?
#10. Which of the following categories is fully exempted from paying any examination fees for recruitment in Railways through RRB?
#11. According to Rule ____ of the Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966 no Railway servant shall sublet, lease or otherwise allow occupation of Government accomodation alloted to him by any other person .
#12. (A) Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay for less than one year with cummulative effect is a minor penalty (B) Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay having adverse effect on pension, is a major penalty.
#13. (A) A pensionable Railway servant shall retire on the date of superannuation even if he is under suspension. (B) If disciplinary proceedings have to be initiated against a retired Railway servant, it cannot be done without the sanction of the President (subject to other conditions).
#14. (A) A school pass issued for a son aged above 18 years can include parents or guardians if the son is handicapped. (B) A school pass issued for a daughter aged above 25 years cannot include her parents or guardians.
#15. With which of the following can joining time not be combined?
#16. (A) Child Care Leave is admissible to women employees with minor children only. (B) It is admissible for a maximum of 730 days during the entire service.
#17. Application for settlement pass should be submitted within ________ from the date of retirement/death.
#18. (A) According to Railway Pass rules the bungalow peon of an officer is allowed to travel on the privilege pass of the officer as his attendant. (B) Employed sons above the age of 21 years cannot be included in the privilege pass of a Railway servant.
#19. Advances from PF can be allowed upto __________ months of pay or __________ of the amount at credit whichever is less.
#20. Under the Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2019, running staff are given the benefit of additional __________ for computation of retirement benefits.
#21. Encashment of leave on average pay (availing railway pass) while in service cannot be more than ________ days.
#22. In order to classify a job as Essentially Intermittent, the daily duty hours are assumed as __________
#23. (A) Retirement gratuity is admissable to a Railway servant who has completed at least 5 years of qualifying service. (B) The maximum limit of retirement gratuity payable is Rs.20 Lakh.
#24. Which of the following deductions are permitted from the subsistence allowance of a suspended employee?
#25. A Railway servant who denies legitimate information to a person under the Right to Information Act (2005) can be held accountable for violation of ____________
Note :- Quiz passing marks 70% = Excellent.
Below 70% = Never mind you can try another time.
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अन्य क्विज –
Personnel Department Quiz – 01
Personnel Department Quiz – 02
Personnel Department Quiz – 03
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