Personnel Department Quiz – 05 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको रेलवे के पर्सनल डिपार्टमेंट से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेंगे
Personnel Department Quiz – 05
#1. (A) Track Maintainers deployed to work at manned level crossing gates are entitled to Special LC Gate Allowance. (B) Track Maintainers working in Construction Organization are not entitled to Risk and Hardship Allowance.
#2. (A) Composite Transfer Grant (CTG) is admissable in cases of temporary transfer of less than 180 days that involve a change of residence. (B) CTG is to be treated as income for the purpose of income tax.
#3. What is the full form of UMID?
#4. (A) For each month of unauthorized retention of Railway accomodation by a retired staff, one set of post retirement complimentary pass shall be disallowed. (B) Those Railway servants who are dismissed or removed from service can be given post retirement complimentary passes if the competennt authority grants compassionate allowance to them.
#5. (A) A staff failing in a suitability test will be eligible for a fresh suitability test only after a lapse of one year. (B) If a staff fails in a suitability test, he/she will be eligible to appear in the following supplementary suitability test.
#6. Who is the authority competent to grant lower/upper age relaxation for recruitment of sportspersons in the Railways through talent scouting?
#7. (A) No railway employee classified as Intensive, Continuous or Essentially Intermittent shall be called for duty before availing rest of not less than 24, 12 & 10 consecutive hours respectively. (B) ‘Longon’ means a period of duty exceeding eight, ten and twelve hours in case of Intensive, Continous and Essentially Intermittent workers respectively.
#8. (A) A major penalty chargesheet consists of AnnexuresI to V. (B) AnnexureIII contains the list of documents and witnesses by which the charges are to be sustained.
#9. (A) Under the NPS no monthly subscription can be made during the period of suspension. (B) However, during extraordinary leave, susbscription to NPS can be made by the employee but not by the employer.
#10. In a selection committee for departmental promotion, who among the following can be one grade junior to the other members?
#11. (A) An application for settlement pass must be submitted within 8 months of the retirement/death of the Railway servant. (B) The validity of settlement pass is 90 days.
#12. For which of these days will National Holiday Allowance not be admissable?
#13. (A) Railway servant who is removed from service after disciplinary proceedings shall not be considered disqualified for future employment under the Government. (B) Railway servants who are dismissed from service shall be considered disqualified for future Government service.
#14. (A) When a Railway servant is appointed to a new post that does not involve promotion or higher responsibilities, he shall draw a pay equal to his pay in the last post or (B) if there is no such stage in the time scale of the new post, the stage next above his pay in the old post.
#15. (A) As per the MACP Scheme, staff are granted financial upgradation at intervals of 10, 20 and 30 years of continuous regular service. (B) The MACP Scheme was introduced after a recommendation by the Sixth Central Pay Commission.
#16. A GroupA Railway official working as a teacher on deputation to the National Academy of Indian Railways, is entitled to draw training allowance at the rate of _____________.
#17. “Identify areas and devise actionoriented methods for maximising organisational effectiveness, the use of technology and towards building up the image of the Railways as a service organisation;” – is one of the objectives of which of thesebodies?
#18. While Standard Form No.11 is used for issuing a minor penalty chargesheet, what is Standard Form No.4 used for?
#19. (A) Currently, the rate of Travelling Allowance for Railway staff in 7th CPC pay levels 9 11 is Rs.900 per day. (B) The lowest rate of TA admissible to junior most Railway staff is Rs.500 per day at present.
#20. Select the correct statement:
#21. The total deductions which may be made from the wages of an employee, including payments to cooperative socities, fines, absence from duty or damages, are governed by ______.
#22. A Railway servant seeking voluntary retirement from service should have completed at least ______ years of qualifying service.
#23. (A) Normally, the minimum period of qualifying service required for promotion within Group C is two years in the immediate lower grade. (B) This condition of minimum period of qualifying service needed for promotion within Group C must be fulfilled at the time of selection/suitability test.
#24. Which of the following items is not indicated in the Last Pay Certificate?
#25. (A) All India Leave Travel Concession (AILTC) can be availed once in a block of four years. (B) For this Railway Employees have to surrender their privilege passes for that year.
Note :- Quiz passing marks 70% = Excellent.
Below 70% = Never mind you can try another time.
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अन्य क्विज –
Personnel Department Quiz – 01
Personnel Department Quiz – 02
Personnel Department Quiz – 03
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Personnel Department Quiz – 06
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