Official Language Quiz – 11 इस प्लेटफॉर्म पर आपको ऑफिशियल लैंग्वेज से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण आब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेंगे।
Official Language Quiz – 11
#1. According to Official Languages Rules, Tamil Nadu is in……….Region.
#2. How many members are there in the Parliamentary Committee on Official Language.
#3. What is the periodicity of the meetings of Official Language Implementation Committees?
#4. When ‘Hindi Day’ is celebrated every year?
#5. How many Hindi courses are prescribed for Central Govt. employees?
#6. When was the Official Languages rules passed?
#7. Urdu has been declared as Official Language in —– State.
#8. According to Official Languages Rules, Andaman & Nicobar Islands under which region?
#9. What are the three regions classified under Official Language Rules?
#10. What is the Foreign Language included in the Eighth Schedule?
#11. Suspension is a …………. penalty.
#12. By ……… rule an employee can be removed from service without issuing charge sheet.
#13. Supervisor is………level Manager.
#14. ………..luggage is permissible in second class pass.
#15. …………..Form is used for Major Penalty.
#16. Maternity leave is permissible for….days, on 02 survivals children.
#17. The work of concentration difficult or exhaustion is called…………. work in those of employment (HOER).
#18. Encashment of LAP is maximum of no…. of days given at the time of retirement.
#19. Child care leave for female employee given up to ………… days maximum.
#20. LAP charged at the rate of ……days per month.
#21. Male rly servants having less than two surviving children are admissible for ……….. days paternity leave for look after his ailing wife and new born baby.
#22. Maximum ………….. days LAP can be sanctioned in a spell.
#23. LHAP is credited @ ………… days in each half of the year.
#24. Maximum ……….. months LHAP can be sanctioned in a spell for the medical ground.
#25. Every year we earn by serving, …….. days LAP.
Note :arks 70% = Excellent.
Below 70% = Never mind you can try another time.
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