Official Language Quiz – 12

Official Language Quiz – 12  इस प्लेटफॉर्म पर आपको ऑफिशियल लैंग्वेज से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण आब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेंगे।

Official Language Quiz – 12



#1. What is the Official Language of the Union of India?

#2. When Hindi day celebrated every year?

#3. When was Official Language Act 1963 passed?

#4. Which part of the constitution contains provisions regarding Official Language?

#5. How many languages are enlisted in the eight schedule of Indian constitution?

#6. What is the foreign language included in the 8th schedule?

#7. In which region is Tamil Nadu situated?

#8. Dadra & Nagar Haveli comes under which region?

#9. North Eastern states come under which region?

#10. Circulars & Memorandums comes under which section of the Official language Act 1963?

#11. Which one of the following is comes under section 3(3) of the Official language Act 1963?

#12. Which case of the following Trilingual should be used?

#13. Where Hindi & English Bilingual form should be used?

#14. What is the order of language should be used in the Name/Notice boards?

#15. Which of the following state/states using English as Official language?

#16. Which one of the following is Dravidian language?

#17. What is the elementary Hindi course prescribed for Central Govt. employees?

#18. Department of Official language comes under which Ministry?

#19. Who prepares the Annual Programme on Official language?

#20. How many training facilities available for writing the Hindi examinations?

#21. How much lump sum award granted for passing Prabodh Hindi examination through private efforts?

#22. How much lump sum award granted for passing Pragya Hindi examination through private efforts?

#23. How much lump sum award granted for passing Hindi Typewriting through private efforts?

#24. How much lump sum award granted for passing Hindi Stenography through private efforts?

#25. How much cash award being given for passing Prabodh Hindi examination for securing marks an aggregate of 70% or more?


Note :arks 70% = Excellent.

Below 70% = Never mind you can try another time.

दोस्तो उम्मीद है आज आपको ये क्विज अच्छा लगा होगा। अगर आपके अभी भी कोई सवाल इंजीनियरिंग से जुड़े है, तो आप हमे कमेन्ट करके जरूर बताये।

टेक बासुदेव (Tech Basudeo) से जुड़ने के लिए आपका धन्यवाद। 🙂

अगर आप टेक्निकल की वीडियो हिन्दी मे देखना पसन्द करते है, तो आप हमारे YouTube Channel Tech Basudeo को जरूर विजिट करे।

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Official Language Quiz 

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