Mechanical Department Quiz – 05 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको मैकेनिकल डिपार्टमेंट से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।
Mechanical Department Quiz – 05
#1. A dimension of BOXN is ———— mm.
#2. In empty condition of BOXN Piston stroke is ————mm.
#3. BOXNHL feed pipe pressure is ———— Kg/Cm2
#4. Axle is checked by ……..
#5. Track gauge distance on a straight track is ———— mm.
#6. Over hauling of Alarm chain system is done after ———— Month.
#7. Centre pivot of Casnub Bogie is made of ………
#8. Proof load Capacity of enhance screw coupling is ———— ton.
#9. In one unit of BLC wagon there are ———— car A unit.
#10. Maximum buffer height of goods wagon is ………
#11. Maximum Wheel dia of UIC bogie is ———— mm.
#12. Free height of CC Pad is ———— .
#13. ———— bearing is used in casnub bogie.
#14. Permissible Wheel dia difference of both casnub bogies of a wagon is ————mm.
#15. Permissible limit of Deep flange in wheel is———— mm.
#16. 37 MM packing is used in 22 WM casnub bogie to adjust CBC height wheel dia———— mm
#17. A dimension of BTPN is———— mm.
#18. Piston stroke of BTPN (empty condition) is ———— mm.
#19. Brake pipe pressure is———— Kg/Cm2
#20. ———— is checked with tyre defect gauge.
#21. Wheel gauge (distance between two wheels) is ………
#22. Riding index of LHB coach is ———— .
#23. Friction cofficient of K type composite brake block is ————.
#24. In one unit of BLC wagon there are ———– car B unit.
#25. ———– gms Grease is used in CTRB.
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Mechanical Department Quiz – 01
Mechanical Department Quiz – 02
Mechanical Department Quiz – 03
Mechanical Department Quiz – 05
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