Operating Live Quiz – 07 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको ऑपरेटिंग से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।
Operating Live Quiz – 07
Never mind you can try another time.
#1. The term loco outage means the average number of locos available to traffic use in a –
#2. The RO-RO scheme was first introduced in –
#3. As per section 71 of Railway Act 1989 preferential order for military traffic is –
#4. In how many Classes ODC is divided
#5. Those ODC loads which has gross clearance of 22.86 cm and above are called –
#6. Sanctioning authority of ‘C’ Class ODC is –
#7. Who is the head of central control office –
#8. To ensure the availability of LP is the responsibility of
#9. As per general order of precedence of trains , first precedence is to be given to –
#10. Efficient engine utilization is to be ensured by –
#11. Traffic corridor block is mentioned in –
#12. The statistical formula is generally used to calculate WTR is –
#13. Wagon census on broad guage is generally conducted on –
#14. In control office, ensure timely examination and fitness of all trains is the responsibility of –
#15. Safety categorization will be based on the work performances of –
#16. Safety categorization register is to be updated after every –
#17. As per safety categorization operating staff can be categorised in to –
#18. In safety categorization, out of 100 marks how many marks allotted for knowledge of Rules
#19. In safety categorization, out of 100 marks how many marks allotted for alertness & observance of rules
#20. In safety categorization, out of 100 marks how many marks allotted for safety record
#21. In safety categorization, out of 100 marks how many marks allotted for leadership & management
#22. In safety categorization, out of 100 marks how many marks allotted for discipline
#23. In safety categorization, out of 100 marks how many marks allotted for appearance & neatness
#24. In safety categorization irrespective of marks obtained by them in other aspect of working, Alcoholic staff must be categorized under –
#25. Safety categorization of group D staff will be done by –
#26. Safety categorization of all SMs will be done by –
#27. Safety categorization of all supervisory SS will be done by –
#28. Staff classified as ‘D’ category shall be monitored on –
#29. Staff classified as ‘C’ category shall be monitored on –
#30. Which of the following register is maintained in the control office –
#31. Which of the following register is maintained in the PCOR office –
#32. Which of the following register is maintained in the PCOR office –
#33. Which of the following register is maintained in the control office –
#34. Plotting of all train movements in a time and distance chart by section controller is called –
#35. In control office wagon utilization, Engine utilization & marshalling yard statics are to be analyzed in details –
#36. Time interval between two successive M/Exp trains in the particular section on the division available for maintenance is called –
#37. Master Chart is useful for –
#38. Master Chart is useful for –
#39. Master Chart is useful for –
#40. Sanctioning authority for ‘A’ class ODC movement within division is
#41. Sanctioning authority for ‘A’ class ODC movement in inter division of same zone is –
#42. Sanctioning authority for ‘C’ class ODC movement within division is
#43. Maximum permissible speed for ‘A’ class ODC on BG is –
#44. Maximum permissible speed for ‘B’ class ODC on BG is –
#45. Maximum permissible speed for ‘A’ class ODC on BG is –
#46. Movement of ‘A’ Class ODC is permitted during –
#47. Movement of ‘B’ Class ODC is permitted during
#48. Movement of ‘C’ Class ODC is permitted during –
#49. how many categories traffic is classified as per preferential traffic order –
#50. Classifying a passenger train as a mix train needs authorization of –
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Yes 👍
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