Personnel Department Quiz इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको रेलवे के पर्सनल डिपार्टमेंट से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेंगे।
Personnel Department Quiz
Never mind you can try another time.
#1. Hyperlinks can be___
#2. Standard Form for deeming Railway servant under suspension
#3. Standard Form of Certificate to be furnished by suspended official under Rule 1342(2) IREC Vol.II
#4. Standard Form of order revocation of suspension order
#5. No current files will be issued to other sections except against ________
#6. Standard Form for refusing permission to inspect document.
#7. Where is IRICEN located?
#8. SBF
#9. IRMM
#10. Bengaluru Division is part of which zonal Railway.
#11. Rule under which the authority competent to place a railway servant under suspension.
#12. _____will be issued for student son/ daughter of the railway servant to commute between the station of the residence of the railway servant and the station nearest to the school/ college on production of a certificate from the recognized institution where the student is studying.
#14. The head of Railway Recruitment Board is______
#15. Ruler in MS Word can help us in___
#16. Which among following is correct extension of word files ?
#17. Rule 25.A of the RS(D&A) Rules deal with _____________.
#18. PRCP
#19. The Railway servants (Discipline & Appeal) Rules came into force on ________.
#20. Normally currency of the panels issued by RRB shall be for ___ year/s.
#21. In MSWord document borders can be applied to
#22. If no presenting officer is nominated, _________ will examine and re-examine the prosecution witnesses.
#23. CAT
#24. Where the President orders recovery of pecuniary loss from pension, the recovery shall not ordinarily be made at a rate exceeding _______ of the pension admissible on the date of retirement.
#25. ____ gratuity shall be paid to the railway servant until the conclusion of the departmental or judicial proceedings.
Note :- Quiz passing marks 70% = Excellent.
Below 70% = Never mind you can try another time.
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अन्य क्विज –
Personnel Department Quiz – 01
Personnel Department Quiz – 02
Personnel Department Quiz – 03
Personnel Department Quiz – 04
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