Operating Live Quiz – 18 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको रेलवे के ऑपरेटिंग डिपार्टमेंट से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेंगे।
Operating Live Quiz – 18
#1. During fog two detonators placed at a distance of ____meters from FSS.
#2. Fog signalman should show ____ to LP of train leaving from station in single line.
#3. Stop boards are available in _______yards.
#4. Wherever change in system of working warning board is placed in the stem of ____
#5. What is the whistle code to be given for passing a stop signal as ‘ON’ with proper authority?
#6. No train is allowed to run through in ______turnout.
#7. What is the height at which the normal aspect of a color light signal is to be placed from the rail level?
#8. If FSS failed in OFF aspect station in rear to issue ________to LP.
#9. If routing signals fails the other reception signal also treated as _____
#10. GSS fails at outside station limit _____close the gate ______ open the gate
#11. If IBSS fails the whole section is treated as one block section and issue ____
#12. ______coupler arrangement available in EMUs.
#13. During TIC for protection one detonator at ____ meters, two detonators at ___ meters
#14. How many fusees will be supplied to GKs of single line section?
#15. What is the pressure to be maintained in Brake Pipe?
#16. Head Quarters of Northern Railway is
#17. Head Quarters of Eastern Railway is
#18. Head Quarters of North Central Railway is
#19. Head Quarters of South Central Railway is
#20. Head Quarters of East Central Railway is
#21. Head Quarters of North Western Railway is
#22. Head Quarters of North Eastern Railway is
#23. Head Quarters of South Eastern Railway is
#24. Which Caution order should not be given to Guard?
#25. “Guard Certificate” called as
Note :- Quiz passing marks 70% = Excellent.
Below 70% = Never mind you can try another time.
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