Track Machine Quiz – 23

Track Machine Quiz – 23 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको ट्रैक मशीन से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।

Track Machine Quiz – 23



#1. As per IRTMM 2019 the inspection frequency by SSE/ STMD for CSM machine is….

#2. Filters in Compressor removes…………..

#3. Pressure Regulator is used to maintain the air supply to a pneumatic machine……?

#4. The function of multimeter is?

#5. An ideal voltmeter is………..

#6. A Pulse Oximeter uses two……………to measure the % of oxygen saturation in your blood.

#7. HSD oil is normally a ………. item.

#8. DMTR stands for a ……………?

#9. In stores terminology, “UDM” stands for………………?

#10. DMTR is used to account stores of ……………?

#11. DS-8 is prepared for?

#12. No wage period shall exceed.

#13. When employee is kept under suspension, employee is eligible for…?

#14. Which of the following may be granted to a Railway servant, when no leave is admissible under any other rules?

#15. What is the statutory limit per week for “Intensive Category” staff?

#16. Which one of the following is major penalty?

#17. Location at which the infringement of fixed standard dimensions occurs, where two lines cross is……………..?

#18. Written block request to SM for track machines working is made by

#19. What is the maximum speed permitted over an emergency crossover or movement through multiple loop lines?

#20. Minimum safe distance between two track machines while they are moving as a group in a block section is……..

#21. For the passage of a train over facing points, when neither interlocked nor key locked. (1)The point shall be locked either by a clamp or by a through bolt with a padlock. (2) it is sufficient to lock the lever working the points. Which of the above statements of (i) & (ii) are true, as per GRS?

#22. ………….. braking system is of type……….used to stable track machines on Sidings, to prevent wheel skid.

#23. Main function of a Programmer Unit (Electronic device) in a Track machine is………..?

#24. Ingress of air in oil, may cause.

#25. ‘CNC’ machine stands for………….?


दोस्तो उम्मीद है आज आपको ये क्विज अच्छा लगा होगा। अगर आपके अभी भी कोई सवाल इंजीनियरिंग से जुड़े है, तो आप हमे कमेन्ट करके जरूर बताये।

टेक बासुदेव (Tech Basudeo) से जुड़ने के लिए आपका धन्यवाद। 🙂

अगर आप टेक्निकल की वीडि मे देखना पसन्द करते है, तो आप हमारे YouTube Channel Tech Basudeo को जरूर विजिट करे।

अन्य क्विज –

Track Machine Quiz

Track Machine Quiz – 01

Track Machine Quiz – 02

Track Machine Quiz – 03


Track Machine Quiz – 05

Track Machine Quiz – 06

Track Machine Quiz – 07

Track Machine Quiz – 08

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Track Machine Quiz – 10

Track Machine Quiz – 11

Track Machine Quiz – 12

Track Machine Quiz – 13

Track Machine Quiz – 14

Track Machine Quiz – 15

Track Machine Quiz – 17

Track Machine Quiz – 18

Track Machine Quiz – 19

Track Machine Quiz – 20

Track Machine Quiz – 21

Track Machine Quiz – 22

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