Track Machine Quiz – 28 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको ट्रैक मशीन से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।
Track Machine Quiz – 28
#1. Leveling analog PCB in WST
#2. Lining analog PCB in WST
#3. Number of KLD Computers present on RGM machine are respectively……
#4. CPF with respect to GDMS of RGM Machine refer to………….
#5. GDMS Computers and HMI Computers present on RGM machine are respectively……
#6. Multi check address of FRONT TOWER Versine Potentiometer in CSM/WST/Unimat2S/3S is……………………………………………….
#7. Which of the following statement is FALSE
#8. CMS stands for ———–
#9. Tamping Unit control PCB in 09-3X machine is
#10. Full form of IC is –
#11. Power supply of op-amplifier is……………………..
#12. Encoder converts-
#13. How many numbers of height transducers in tamping machines-
#14. What is the multi check address of height transducer——-
#15. Pendulum converts——–
#16. What is the multi check address of Lining Transducers?
#17. Lining Transducer measures——–
#18. Brake cylinders are operated by… power in running mode in tamping machines –
#19. Parking brake is applied by… In tamping machines
#20. The brake cylinder in track machine is……..cylinder with spring-
#21. Bogies (FB, LB, MB, RB) are locked/unlocked & lifted/lowered by…….-
#22. The air is compressed, its…………increases.
#23. On 09-CSM & 09-3X the variable pump delivery is controlled…….in work drive circuit-
#24. ALC is a ____________ Word.
#25. Track lifting cylinder in tamping machine is a-
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अन्य क्विज –
अन्य पढ़ें –
Qns no 25 ka wrong ans hai.
Ans a hona chahiye.