Track Machine Quiz – 33 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको ट्रैक मशीन से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।
Track Machine Quiz – 33
#1. The capacity of T-28 crane.
#2. Brake block clearance is adjusted in…… schedule for DUO/CSM as per RDSO
#3. …………….in the lowest temperature at which a fluid will flow-
#4. Full form of GVA is
#5. Emission of black smoke in a diesel engine indicates.
#6. Hook is used in
#7. No.of work drive motors in BCM.
#8. In BCM Excavation depth of ballast under the sleeper is up to…. mm.
#9. During lining ,if the track is springing back is compensated by switching on ——-
#10. Water content in water glycol fluid used in RGM-
#11. Emergency engine available on T-28
#12. For general lift of run-in and run-out ramp for tamping is
#13. In CSM machine Hydraulic pressure fluctuations is compensated by ——-
#14. TRT Means
#15. Schedule for first POH of track machines is
#16. ZF-gear box drive on CSM is called
#17. Minimum sieve size in BCM as per IRTMM
#18. Minimum ballast cushion for deploying tamping machine is
#19. Hydraulic tank in cleaned at-
#20. RPM of engine radiator fan should not be less than…… RPM for proper cooling for CSM
#21. Filter is… than strainer.
#22. The stipulated output of 3X per effective block hour is
#23. In BCM the cutter chain is driven by——–
#24. The amplitude of tamping tool on tamping machine.
#25. Cause for white smoke emission on a diesel engine indicates.
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