Track Machine Quiz – 34 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको ट्रैक मशीन से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।
Track Machine Quiz – 34
#1. Number of bridge lifting cylinders in PQRS crane
#2. What is the range of specific gravity of old battery
#3. The brakes operated in PQRS cranes
#4. The number of power wheels on PRC,T-28 crane
#5. Number of duplex chains in PQRS crane
#6. Full form of S.A.E is
#7. The turn table in PQRS crane rotates up to………. degree.
#8. The hydraulic pressure working of PQRS crane
#9. The BHP KTA 1150 diesel engine of CSM
#10. The BHP of VTA 1710 diesel engine of FRM machine
#11. Number of small synchronizing shaft in a PQRS crane
#12. The bearings used in synchronizing shaft in 9T PQRS CRANE
#13. The screen capacity of FRM machine per effective hour
#14. The brake blocks of PQRS crane made of
#15. Number of cells present in one battery
#16. The maximum working pressure of Pneumatic system on tamping machines
#17. Number of Brooming elements on the Kershaw BRM
#18. No.of motorized trolleys is used in T-28 Machine.
#19. The traction motor of BRM is having torque modes
#20. The type of driving in CSM
#21. The PRC, T-28 crane moves on the ground with the help of
#22. The number of synchronizing shaft Barings in each PQRS crane
#23. Cell in lead acid battery converts—————-
#24. The type of driving in rail grinding machine
#25. The type of driving in BCM
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