Track Machine Quiz
Never mind you can try another time.
#1. Machine used for Track consolidation.
#2. While the track machines are moving in the block section in group, it will be the responsibility of SSE/JE/TM of these machines to maintain a minimum safe distance of ___________ from each other.
#3. The BCM (Ballast Cleaning Machine) RM 80 is powered by Two DEUTZ BF 12L 513C engine having power rating _______________.
#4. The RPM of vibrating shaft of tamping unit
#5. On 3X machine to attain perfect alignment of track system adopted
#6. When track machine is to move on wrong road (against the direction of traffic), the speed of track machine shall not exceed more than ___________ and flasher light shall be kept “ON”.
#7. Capacity of PQRS portal crane which can lift a 13.0 m long pre-assembled panel
#8. At present POH of tamping machines is carried out at
#9. The vibration pressure Tamping machine varies from machine-to-machine and ranges from _________________.
#10. In tamping machines in general lift should always be more than
#11. Rated Output of a CSM for effective hour
#12. The minimum distance between the machines when working in a group shall be_________.
#13. The BCM (Ballast Cleaning Machine) RM 80 is powered by Two DEUTZ BF 12L 513C engine how many cylinder.
#14. BCM DEUTZ BF 12L 513C engine works at _______ rpm during screening and _______ rpm at idle condition.
#15. Heavy slewing or lifting should normally be done in steps of not more than ________.
#16. Where is the engine of BCM imported from DEUTZ BF 12L 513C.
#17. For maintenance packing, squeezing time of _______________ should normally be adequate.
#18. Number of cutter bars to be kept with BCM during the block.
#19. Engine no.1 of BCM operates
#20. The maximum width of cutter bar can be extended in BCM RM-80, 92 U.
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Thanks mam🌹.
For quick action I am so happy.
But only one set 10 question 🤔.
Minimum 50 questions in one series and also upload the rajbhasha questions
ok i will try.