Track Machine Quiz – 05
Never mind you can try another time.
#1. BCM Machine How many pumps are mounted on main gear of engine No.1
#2. BCM Machine How many pumps are mounted on main gear of engine No.2
#3. The Satellite driving motor Hydraulic power is fed from
#4. The Hydraulic-driving pump for the main machine is called
#5. The main machine driving motor operating hydraulic pressure.
#6. The CSM working hydraulic pressure.
#7. The CSM driving pressure.
#8. The CSM tamping unit vibration pressure.
#9. Works site tampers tamping unit vibration pressure.
#10. CSM Main squeezing pressure.
#11. The required working hydraulic pressure is to be set with the help of
#12. Tamping unit vibration pressure is to be set with the help of
#13. The hydraulic hose burst due to physical damage can be controlled in Track Machines by
#14. Normal designed working pressures of hydraulic components on tamping Machine.
#15. The hydraulic accumulator on CSM works as
#16. The capacity of Hydraulic accumulater on CSM
#17. In Internal Diameter (I.D) of a hydraulic hose of 4 (Four) number
#18. In Internal Diameter (I.D) of a hydraulic hose of 6 (Six) number
#19. In Internel Diameter (I.D) of a hydraulic hose of 12 (Twelve) number
#20. In Internal Diameter (I.D) of a hydraulic hose of 16 ( Sixteen) number
#21. In Internal Diameter (I.D) of a hydraulic hose of 20 (Twenty) number
#22. In Internal Diameter (I.D) of a hydraulic hose of 10 (Ten) number
#23. The Internal Diameter (I.D) of return hydraulic hose of 24 No
#24. The Internal Diameter (I.D) of return hydraulic hose of 32 No
#25. Number of servo valve used in lining system of 3X
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अन्य क्विज –
Track Machine Quiz – 16
अन्य पढ़ें –
Thanks mam
For 10 to 25 increase question.
But all old question
If possible provide original question set .
All zone one by one .jee ldce