Track Machine Quiz – 06
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#1. Number of servo valve used in lifting system in CSM
#2. The working pump of PRC, T-28 is called
#3. The vertical hydraulic pressure for the vibrating unit of DTS
#4. The hydraulic pressure for the vibrating unit in DTS
#5. The hydraulic pressure working of PQRS crane
#6. The extra demand of the hydraulic power is met through
#7. The hydraulic oil used in BCM
#8. The work drive pump of a BRM is made by
#9. Vibration pressure of tamping unit on CSM
#10. The capacity of hydraulic tripel pump on work site tamper
#11. The leakage of hydraulic oil from cylinder indicatess
#12. Hydraulic suction hose pipes squeezing indicates in track machines
#13. In Ballast Cleaning Machine the hydraulic oil used
#14. Type of 38 x 17 hydraulic double pump
#15. 100 RS 2 is Braided hydraulic hose
#16. The hydrualic propelling pressure of BRM
#17. The rated axel cluth pressure of FRM
#18. The breaks operated in PQRS crane is
#19. What is the emergency air break pressure.
#20. Datum pressure for measuring bogies on CSM
#21. Lifting card wire tensioning pressure on tamping machines.
#22. Lineing card wire tension on tamping machines
#23. A Pneumatic hose sizes (I.D) used on Track Machines
#24. The maximum working pressures of Pneumatic system on tamping machines
#25. The air brake pressure on Tamping Track Machines.
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Track Machine Quiz – 16
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