Track Machine Quiz – 09 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको ट्रैक मशीन से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।
Track Machine Quiz – 09
Never mind you can try another time.
#1. Extra alignment correction values on tamping machines is fed from
#2. Super elevation values for transition of a curve in Work site tamper is fed from
#3. Super elevation values for transition of a curve in CSM from
#4. Height of the lifting card wire on a tamping machine at front over, feeler rods and measuring bogie are to be adjusted on a
#5. Silicon oil in a pendulum for adjusting the cross levels works as a
#6. In CSM fully automatic mode is operated
#7. On tamping machine only lining and lifting operation is called
#8. The main machine driving motor part number for a CSM
#9. On Unimat number of working power axles
#10. Tungustam Carbide tool can be reconditioned number of times
#11. The size of the tamping tool fixing bolt.
#12. Selection of tamping tools fixing is required for
#13. The profoling plates is called in BRM
#14. The shoulder ballast is regulated in BRM with the
#15. The wooden blocks are provided for movement of PRC crane on loose earth
#16. Number of power wheels on 9 T, PQRS cranes in MG converted crane
#17. The pitch of synchrones chain of PQRS crane
#18. The pitch of duplex chain
#19. The load carrying capacity of each duplex chain of 9 T, PQRS
#20. Number of sycrinising chain of PQRS crane
#21. The purpose of duplex chain on PQRS is
#22. The syncernising shaft in plasser PQRS crane is with
#23. The syncernising shaft bearings in 9T PQRS crane
#24. The number of syncernising shaft bearings in each PQRS crane
#25. The syncernising shaft in 9T PQRS plasser crane is made in number of piers
#26. The brake blocks of PQRS crane made of
#27. The break blocks of CSM crane made of
#28. The size of the head bolt on the slider of PQRS crane
#29. On BCM the cutter chain is Rotated by
#30. BCM is powered with number of engines
#31. The PQRS auxiliary track gauge
#32. The running speed of the hydraulic driven radiator fan of CSM
#33. Frequency of tamping in PSC sleepered track
#34. For general lift of run-in and run-out ramp for tamping is
#35. Minimum sieve size in BCM in Southern Rly
#36. The motorized trolley used in relaying turnout can move laterally by
#37. A schedule for POH of track machines is
#38. The frequency tamping in case of steel sleepered track
#39. Minimum ballast cushion for deploying tamping machine is
#40. Lining mode adopted for tamping on straight line track
#41. witching over from working mode to running mode or vice-versa is achieved by in BCM.
#42. The capacity of T-28 crane is
#43. TRT means
#44. Number of lining rollers on each lining unit of CSM
#45. Mode of operation to be adopted for rectifying the errors by 100%.
#46. Maximum sieve size in BCM is
#47. Normal number to be kept for squeezing time counter of CSM vide tamping
#48. The minumum air pressure to be maintain for engaging gear on CSM
#49. The mode of lining adopted by a curved track in smoothening
#50. No. of small squeezing cylinders on Duomatic machine
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Track Machine Quiz – 16
अन्य पढ़ें –
Super 👌🏻 mam.
That’s great 50 question.
Please provide original question for ldce papers.
Two answer wrong(1)taping tool fixing bolt 20mm×50mm (2)minimum seive size of BCM 30mm but two option same 30mm and 30mm
ok I checked.
Thanks sir