Track Machine Quiz – 11 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको ट्रैक मशीन से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।
Track Machine Quiz – 11
Never mind you can try another time.
#1. Satellite axle is a part of
#2. Oil used in Z. F. Gear box is
#3. Gear Ratio in mechanical power-Transmission is
#4. For lubrication of gears & bearings in main gear box
#5. Z.F gear box is used in
#6. Shifter assembly is used in
#7. Oil change of Z. F. Gear Box is done at
#8. Control pressure of Z.F. Gear Box is
#9. The max. working temperature of Z.F. Gear Box is
#10. What will happen if Z.F. Key is not put off after stopping of machine
#11. Reduction gear box is used during
#12. Nos. of satellite unit on 3X-machine is
#13. What is the function of Tamping Units
#14. In point & x-ing machine, number of tamping tools provided
#15. In 09-3X number of tamping unit fitted
#16. The amplitude of vibration is
#17. Total number of bearings required in one tamping unit of 09-3X machine is
#18. Number of tamping arms in single sleeper packing machine i.e. UNO is
#19. For lubrication of main bearing of UNO/DUO/CSM the oil required is
#20. Tool tilting cylinder used in
#21. Vibration is generated due to
#22. Hooks are used to lift the track in
#23. In Unimat-3S machine,…………is used for lifting & Lining.
#24. Third Rail lifting arrangement is given in
#25. In duomatic tamping unit number of bearings used
#26. The bearings are heated for mounting on vibration shaft
#27. How many types of conveyor belts are provided on BCM
#28. Safety device provided on waste conveyor is to protect from…………
#29. How many shovels are used on BCM RM-80
#30. How many corner rollers are provided on old BCM
#31. The length of cutter bar is
#32. Cutting chain speed (m/s) can be vary from
#33. Grease used in axle gear box is
#34. The amount of hydraulic oil used in BCM axle is……….ltr.
#35. Greasing of track machines is done at……….hrs.
#36. IOH of machine is done at
#37. How many powered axles are provided on FRM-80.
#38. Anti-collision safety device is provided on FRM-80 on.
#39. Wheel diameter of FRM-80 is
#40. Mechanical power transmission is achieved through
#41. Z. F. stands for
#42. Z. F. is…….:
#43. Pressure cut off switch is operated at
#44. In single sleeper packing machine, number of tool provided
#45. What is the function of Lifting-lining Units
#46. How many track lifting cylinders are used in lifting unit
#47. How many disc clamp rollers are used in plain track tampers
#48. For fastening of screens, following item is used
#49. Fastening removal is required or not in ATRT
#50. Placement of rubber pad in ATRT is done
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Track Machine Quiz – 16
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