Track Machine Quiz – 13 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको ट्रैक मशीन से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।
Track Machine Quiz – 13
#1. What type of oil used in mechanical gear box
#2. How many screen are provided on BCM
#3. Chain tension is done by
#4. Name the troughs of BCM machines
#5. How many intermediate shovels are provided on BCM RM-80
#6. Vibration in screening unit is done through………..
#7. Cleaned ballast is put into the track through………….conveyor belt.
#8. How many engines are provided on BCM
#9. What is the type of engine provided on BCM
#10. In yoke & piston rod of squeezing cylinders……… used.
#11. For tamping unit guide rod, lifting unit guide rod & lever clamp……………is used
#12. For high rpm
#13. Sealing is more difficult in
#14. For axle bearing lubrication, grease required
#15. Cooling efficiency is better in
#16. The first digit ‘N’ is used in terms of bearing for………
#17. The first digit of bearing tells about the
#18. The second digit of bearing tells about the
#19. The third digit of bearing tells about the
#20. Roller bearings are generally………….
#21. In Unimat-2S & Old UNO/DUO machine,………is used for lifting & lining circuit.
#22. Hydraulic rail clamp cylinder of Unimat & plain track tampers are
#23. How many disc clamp rollers are used in UNIMAT Machine
#24. The function of vibration motor is
#25. In 09-3X machine tamping tools are fitted
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Track Machine Quiz – 16
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