Track Machine Quiz – 14 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको ट्रैक मशीन से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।
Track Machine Quiz – 14
#1. In other tamping machines except 09-3X tamping tools are fitted
#2. In Russian tamping unit at centre pin assembly………. is provided.
#3. The lubrication mode in Russian tamping unit at centre pin assembly is……..
#4. Number of tamping arms in one tamping unit of DUO/CSM Machine is
#5. The RPM of tamping unit is
#6. The squeezing of tamping unit on is
#7. In Unimat -4S machine tamping units are in
#8. In one tamping Unit on UNO/DUO/CSM/……. vibration shaft is required.
#9. Number of Tamping Tools provided in CSM& Duomatic
#10. Number of tamping tools are provided in 09-3X Machine
#11. In point & X-ing machine following types of tamping tools is required
#12. Satellite unit of CSM is run by……..pump.
#13. No. of satellite unit on CSM machine
#14. Gears used in satellite unit of machine are
#15. Reduction gear box is used in the following machines
#16. Following oil is used in funk gear box
#17. Funk gear box is used for
#18. Towing of any machine by tamping machine provided with Z.F.gear box should be
#19. After application of brakes, the rpm of engine is required to be……….
#20. Don’t work with Z.F. Gear Box, If main pressure is
#21. ZF. Gear Box filter is of
#22. Gear train consists of
#23. Regarding ZF gear box, W.G. Stands for…….. transmission.
#24. Lining systems are used on ………….machines
#25. …………..……………. Lining method/ methods are used on tamping machine
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Track Machine Quiz – 16
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