Track Machine Quiz – 17 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको ट्रैक मशीन से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।
Track Machine Quiz – 17
#1. In Track Machines……………….. is used to cool the hydraulic oil.
#2. During charging, more than one battery is connected
#3. Half size Tamping tynes are to be replaced at ______% wear of tamping blade.
#4. Value of 0.0081 ÷ 9=_________
#5. A pin of diameter 8cm, length 28cm has to be manufactured from a rod of diameter 10cm, length 28cm. Find out how much volume of metal removed from the original rod?
#6. If Duomatic machine make 20 average insertion in a minuet of Tamping bank in 1660sleeper density track and time required for the to and fro movement of machine & setting and closing is 20minuits, what is the block time required for tamping 1km. of track?
#7. Number of types of Unimat tamping tools are……..
#8. Identifies an action or state of being in a sentence is called __________.
#9. Hooter provided in track machines for
#10. Number of lining rollers on each lining unit of CSM
#11. The grease used for automatic greasing system on tamping machines
#12. Machine used for Track consolidation.
#13. Vibration pressure of CSM tamping unit is
#14. The minimum air pressure to be maintain for engaging gear on CSM
#15. What is the safe operating engine temperature of BCM
#16. Economical, easily controlled and mostly used furnace is…….
#17. Plastic welding is also called… ….. welding
#18. For reconditioning of Tamping Tools,……… supply is given to Electrode.
#19. For taking out Circlip from engine-piston…….Circlip pliers is used
#20. Lip angle of drill-bit for general work is
#21. For threads repair……….. File is used.
#22. Graduated rule or scale is a. ……Instrument.
#23. The micrometer screw has a pitch of..
#24. Protractor is used for…… measurement.
#25. Allen key consists……………..sides (faces).
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अन्य क्विज –
Track Machine Quiz – 16
अन्य पढ़ें –
Q6) 1660/20+20setting time=103
Q15) d
Q16) a
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