Track Machine Quiz – 19 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको ट्रैक मशीन से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।
Track Machine Quiz – 19
#1. In case of PSC T/out sleeper the squeezing pressure of Tamping Machine will be in the range of
#2. The medical category prescribed in RTMM 2019 for Technicians is
#3. The Inspection frequency of SSE/STMD in case of T/Exp machine is
#4. The tamping machine with satellite unit is
#5. In case of T/Exp, machine one set of Tamping Units having… tamping tools.
#6. In case of maintenance packing the range of squeezing time will be:
#7. As per IRTMM 2019 the number of SSE/JE TM on BCM is
#8. Self starter works in…..
#9. If temperature is increase the value of resistance will be….
#10. Generally while selecting base rail on curved track is kept as……….. base rail.
#11. Tamping unit control PCB in UNIMAT 4S machine is…
#12. The…is not self propelled machine.
#13. For PQRS working the gauge of auxiliary track will be…
#14. The capacity of simplex make PORS portal is….
#15. The stipulated progress of Duomatic machine per effective hour is…
#16. Power supply PCB EK 816 SV is used in…
#17. Hook control PCB in unimat 3S machine is….
#18. Non Gazetted employee having grade pay 4200 is entitle for ……………Category of pass.
#19. As per RTMM 2019 the number of TMM prescribed for dynamic track stabilizer
#20. As per IRTMM 2019 the number of machine assistant prescribed for UTV machine..
#21. The periodicity of refresher course at IRTMTC for technicians is….
#22. The frequency of ultrasonic examination of axles of track machine is
#23. As per IRTMM 2019 the post of cook is not considered for Machine.
#24. For shoulder screening of track which machine is used:
#25. Following is a ten wheeler Track Machine::
#26. In 3 point lining method, number of trolleys used
#27. What is versine formula for CSM in 3 point lining method….
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Track Machine Quiz – 16
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