Track Machine Quiz – 20 इस प्लेटफार्म पर आपको ट्रैक मशीन से संबंधित ऑब्जेक्टिव टाइप्स महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उत्तर मिलेगे।
Track Machine Quiz – 20
#1. What is the filtration capacity of servo filter.
#2. What is the tension of V-belt provided on engine.
#3. The pressure in fuel injection on engine.
#4. What is the maximum horizontal slew capacity of BCM machine.
#5. Versine on straight track is…
#6. If two different pistons have a force ratio of 4:1 the movement ratio is…
#7. The bac symbol for a value is…….
#8. How many positions has the 4/5 way valve
#9. In 150 VG 68 viscosity lies at temperature.
#10. What are hydraulic fluids required to do?
#11. Inlet & return lines must be terminate……….. The fluid level.
#12. Pressure line filter provided for proportional valve is of…..
#13. Suction filter is normally replaced at……….
#14. A bend tubing should be smooth and have a Crass section.
#15. Bursting pressure of hose is kept times the working pressure.
#16. Hydraulic hoses should have……absorption coefficient.
#17. Radius of bend is measured from….of hose.
#18. The temperature limit for a Seal.
#19. Power diodes are generally…
#20. A PNP transistor is made of
#21. Transducer converts
#22. In track machine which type of transducer used.
#23. How many tamping depth transducer in 09-3X machine…
#24. Which cell is used in track machine batteries.
#25. Specific gravity is measured by
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Track Machine Quiz – 16
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